Thursday, February 9, 2012

Did You Know? (February 9, 2012)

Did you know that the WWE creative team thought Chilly McFreeze was a good name for Steve Austin before he was called "Stone Cold"? Steve Austin debuted in the WWE as the Ringmaster, but he hated his gimmick. Austin wanted a cold-blooded gimmick. The WWE creative team sent Austin a list of possible names that included Chilly McFreeze, Baron Von Ruthless, and Ice Dagger. Austin didn't like any of the names. Austin got the name "Stone Cold" from his wife because she told Austin to drink his tea before it got "stone cold".


  1. Chilly McFreeze? I would mark out if Punk called him that.

    1. Punk should do that if he and Austin are ever in the same ring together. Or at least call him the Ringmaster.

  2. Tony has haters too I see. Awesome. Chilly McFreeze would have been awesome. Once the weather changed up he could have tweeked his name to Chilly With Cheese.

    1. You aren't famous until you get haters. Every great person has haters. I don't mind haters...if my blog is interesting enough that haters feel the need to post a comment then I'm doing something right. John Cena is probably the most successful WWE Superstar today because of his haters. Jinder Mahal would love to get some of the heat Cena is getting. No one likes Jinder but no one would buy "Jinder Sucks" t-shirts.
